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Colombia- Aponte  

  • Country: Colombia 

  • Region: Aponte, Narino

  • Producer: Aponte

  • Growers: Small regional Farms

  • Variety: Caturra

  • Process: Honey

  • Elevation: 1700-1800MASL

  • Cupping notes: Caramel, dried fruits, red apple, cacao


The Narino region boasts ideal conditions for growing coffee, including high altitude, volcanic ash soils, moderate temperatures, and high annual rainfall. The Caturra cultivar is a perfect match for these factors, originally hailing from southern Brazil as a genetic descendant of the Red Bourbon Arabica plant. Its compact size, disease resistance, and efficient use of space make it a popular choice for planting. Honey processing, also known as semi-washed processing, involves fermenting the coffee beans in warm water and removing the skin, while retaining the pulp and mucilage on the fruit. The resulting beans are then dried for two weeks and regularly turned, capturing the sweetness and vibrancy of the coffee. After being washed, dried again, and packaged for export, this Specialty Single Origin coffee is ready to be enjoyed.


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